Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I'm so ready for warmer weather! Yesterday was beautiful here at 55 degrees and sunny! I finally got the chance to take Kaitlyn to the park =) Poor thing had no idea what the sun was, she kept squinting the entire time but had fun I'm sure. Here are a few pics from our day of fun!


  1. She's so pretty! Love the pictures. Our Katelyn did the same thing the first time we took her to the park. She wasn't thrilled with the sun at all!

  2. Oh I can't wait for anything above 40 degrees out here.

    She is so precious! :) I am glad you had a good time.

  3. Thanks! Yeah, she is not a sun lover...yet! Warmer days are on their way and I love being outside, I just jope that she learns to like it too!

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